The BJP’s Jharkhand unit has announced that it will host 1,000 virtual rallies and 20 videoconferences to highlight the achievements of the second term of the government led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, which ends on May 30.
Deepak Prakash, President of the BJP State, told the Press Trust of India news agency that party workers would adhere to safety and health protocols during virtual protests and videoconferences, to which senior officials will speak. leaders.
“The ‘karyakartas’ party (the workers) will establish individual contact, digital contact and virtual contact, while maintaining standards of social distancing, to raise awareness of government welfare initiatives,” said Mr. Prakash in a press release.
BJP workers in the state provided all possible assistance to migrant workers, the poor and the needy in connection with the shutdown of the coronavirus, he said.
“Transforming the crisis into an opportunity, the Prime Minister paved the way for” Atma Nirbhar Bharat “(autonomous India) with a financial package of 20 crore rupees, making the rural economy the focal point with the mantra of” local “-vocal ”,” said Mr. Prakash.
Prime Minister Modi’s message on “Atma Nirbhar Bharat” would be sent to 35 Lakh households across the state, he said.
(With the exception of the title, this story was not edited by GalacticGaming staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)