No country has a locus standi to comment on matters internal to India (file)
New Delhi:
The whole world is aware of Pakistan’s role in supporting terrorism and no denial can hide this truth, India said Thursday in a sharp reaction to Islamabad’s objection to its references and to cross-border terrorism in the joint statement. Indo-American after their 2 +2 dialogue.
Foreign Ministry spokesman Anurag Srivastava said the country providing shelter to the “maximum number of terrorists banned by the UN” should not even attempt to play the victim card.
“The whole world knows the truth about Pakistan’s role in supporting terrorism,” he said during a press briefing while answering questions about Islamabad’s reaction to the joint Indo-American declaration.
“Even their leaders have spoken time and time again about their role in terrorism,” Srivastava said.
In the joint statement, India and the United States on Tuesday strongly condemned cross-border terrorism in all its forms and called on Pakistan to take “immediate, sustained and irreversible” measures to ensure that no territory under its control is not used to launch terrorist attacks.
In its reaction, Pakistan called Wednesday the reference made to it “unjustified”.
“We reject the specific reference to Pakistan in the joint statement,” issued by India and the United States after their 2 + 2 ministerial dialogue, “Pakistan’s foreign ministry said in its reaction.
Asked about Pakistan’s objection to changes in land laws in Jammu and Kashmir, Mr Srivastava said it was an internal India issue and no country had a locus standi for comment.
According to the amended law, anyone outside of Jammu and Kashmir can now purchase land in Union territory.
“You know that the government has recently taken a number of measures for the socio-economic development and improvement of livelihoods in the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir which is an integral part of India .
“Therefore, these decisions concern the internal affairs of India. No country has a locus standi to comment on it,” he said.