Safoora Zargar was arrested under the law on illegal activities (prevention) following the riots.
New Delhi:
Safoora Zargar, pregnant student from Jamia Millia University arrested under anti-terrorism law in Delhi violence case, was released on bail today by the High Court after police got there not opposed for “humanitarian reasons”.
Safoora Zargar was arrested on April 10 under the Law on Illegal Activities (Prevention) following riots that broke out in February during protests against the Citizenship Amendment Law. She was released on bail but was arrested again on more serious charges. His arrest and imprisonment provoked strong condemnation of students and activists and strongly divided social networks.
The Delhi High Court ordered Safoora Zargar not to be involved in activities that could impede the investigation. She also cannot leave Delhi without permission.
Ms. Zargar must remain in contact with an investigator by telephone at least once in 15 days and also provide a personal deposit of 10,000 rupees.
M.Phil’s student at the University of Jamia is 23 weeks pregnant. Solicitor General Tushar Mehta, representing the police, did not object to his release on bail on humanitarian grounds. Mehta said she could be released on bail on humanitarian grounds but that a decision had not been made on the merits of the case and should not be a precedent.
Delhi police on Monday objected to Ms. Zargar’s plea for bail, saying that “the gravity of her offense is not mitigated in any way by the fact of her pregnancy”.
Delhi police, in their situation report opposing her bail, said that a “clear and convincing case” had been established against her and that she was charged with “serious and serious crimes planned and executed meticulously and surreptitiously “.
Police also said that she was kept in a separate cell and that the chances of getting anyone else’s coronavirus were low. To reinforce its argument, police said that 39 deliveries had taken place in Delhi prisons in the past 10 years.
Ms. Zargar, a member of Jamia’s Coordinating Committee, went to the High Court after a court of first instance refused to release her on bail on June 4.
Ms. Zargar was released on bail after her initial arrest. But later she was arrested again and more serious charges were laid, according to the Jamia Coordinating Committee. She was accused of inciting people and bringing women and children to the streets of Jafrabad to cause riots.
The student’s lawyer told the court during oral argument that she was in a delicate state and at a fairly advanced stage of pregnancy.