A fierce brawl broke out aboard a plane after two passengers refused to wear face masks. The in-flight chaos on a KLM flight from Amsterdam to Ibiza, which led to the arrest of the two men, has now gone viral on social media.
Video clips showed two men engaged in a fight as one of the traveling companions was heard saying: “Stop now, there are children here”.
In footage shared by the michighclub’s Instagram account, the men, including one shirtless, were seen punching each other before one was restrained and pinned to the ground by other passengers .
The account claimed that one of the passengers involved in the brawl was British and allegedly consumed alcohol.
“The British man who caused a brawl aboard the @klm flight to Ibiza – he and his friend refused to wear a face mask and disturbed the other passengers – has been arrested by Guardia Civil,” wrote @michighclub.
Masks are mandatory on all KLM flights. “Wearing facial protection when boarding and on board is mandatory for KLM passengers. Passengers should ensure that they wear the required facial protection with them. Passengers without adequate facial protection may see each other. refuse boarding at the boarding gate, he said in a statement. “