The directives were sent after several cases of viruses were reported by the ministries and departments.
New Delhi:
Government employees working in the centre’s administrative reform department will have to wear not only face masks, but also face shields for work and will face disciplinary action if they do not. The guidelines were released by the center after an increasing number of cases of coronavirus were reported by central government ministries and departments.
“The number of COVID cases is increasing rapidly. Many officials from various ministries and departments of the central government have been positive. Some have also lost their lives, so protect yourself (sic),” said the government decree.
The Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Complaints did not ask asymptomatic staff or people without symptoms of coronavirus to come to the office.
“Anyone with a cold, cough or fever should stay at home,” said the order.
Employees living in containment areas were asked to work from home.
The circular, issued on June 5, stated that no more than 20 officers and staff from the administrative reform department should report to the office in one day and that the staff task table should be drawn up accordingly.
Employees sharing a cubicle should report to the office every other day and, as much as possible, office windows should be kept open, the circular said.
Other rules applicable to employees of the department include:
- Face masks and screens to be worn at all times inside the office. Disciplinary measures will be taken if this is not followed.
- Used masks and gloves should only be thrown in a biomedical bin. Strict measures will be taken to throw gloves and masks outdoors.
- Face-to-face meetings, discussions and interactions to be avoided as much as possible. Staff should use the intercom, telephone or videoconference for these purposes.
- Hand washing every half hour is essential to prevent the spread of infection. Hand sanitizers should be installed in conspicuous places in the hallways.
- Frequently touched areas such as switches, door knobs, elevator buttons, handrails, etc. should be cleaned every hour.
- Staff were also asked to frequently clean personal equipment such as keyboards, mice, telephones, and AC remotes using an ethanol-based disinfectant.
- A distance of one meter must be maintained while sitting or walking. Visitors’ chairs in office cubicles should be placed accordingly, respecting standards of social distancing.
The North Block of the Secretariat has reported four cases of coronavirus in the past few days.
“An officer in the control room was diagnosed and a few lower-level employees were also tested positive,” said a North Block officer.
Earlier, the Personnel and Training Department (DoPT) had asked all government employees to strictly adhere to social distancing standards practices and health and hygiene practices to contain the spread of COVID-19 on The places of work.
He instructed all ministries, departments, offices and employees of the central government to ensure strict compliance with the instructions issued by the department as well as those of the Union’s interior and health ministries.
On June 4, the Ministry of Health issued a POS on preventive measures to contain the spread of the virus in the workplace. Individuals should maintain a minimum distance of six feet in public places as much as possible, as directed.
The SOP also said that all drivers of government vehicles must maintain a social distance and should follow the do’s and don’ts to avoid being infected. There must be a provision for disinfection of the interior of the vehicle, as directed.
Breathing labels, which involve the strict practice of covering the mouth and nose during coughing or sneezing, should be retained. All employees were also invited to install and use the Aarogya Setu app.