Justice Lalit would succeed Justice Ramana as Chief Justice on November 27, 2022.
New Delhi:
The college of the Supreme Court will have judge U U Lalit as new and fifth member, and judge R Banumathi will be retired on Sunday as judge of the supreme court.
S A Bobde Chief Justice of India (CJI) and N V Ramana, Arun Mishra and R F Nariman JJ. Are members of the college.
The Superior College of the Court, which includes the five highest-ranking judges as members, selects and recommends names for the appointment of judges to the Supreme Court.
Justice Lalit, who was directly appointed a judge of the Superior Court of the Bar on August 13, 2014, will remain a member of the college until his resignation from the position of Chief Justice on November 8, 2022.
Justice Lalit would succeed Justice Ramana at the CJI on November 27, 2022 and will have a term of just over two months as head of the judiciary.
CJI Bobde will be leaving office next year on April 23.
Justice Bhanumathi, whose last day of work was July 17, has been the second woman to serve on the college after Justice Ruma Pal in the past 14 years.
With the retirement of Justice Banumathi, Justice Lalit becomes number five in the seniority of judges of the Supreme Court and would automatically be part of the college responsible for selecting and recommending the names of judges to the Supreme Court.
The college which recommends names of persons for the appointment of judges of high courts has three judges of higher rank among the highest members.
There will be another vacant seat in the Superior Court and in her college, Justjce Mishra scheduled to retire on September 2.
Before being elevated to the Supreme Court, Justice Lalit was one of the country’s leading lawyers.
He was registered as a lawyer in June 1983 and practiced at the Bombay High Court until December 1985.
Justice Lalit was appointed senior counsel by the Supreme Court in April 2004.
The district court had appointed him as the CBI’s special prosecutor to try all 2G cases.
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