A baby plays with a shroud covering his deceased mother at Muzaffarpur station.
New Delhi:
A lawyer filed a complaint with the National Commission for Human Rights (CNDH) after a video surfaced on social networks in which one can see the body of a woman lying at Muzaffarpur station, in Bihar.
In a clip widely broadcast on social networks, a baby plays with a shroud covering his mother who died at the station. The fabric comes off but her mother does not move; she had died moments before. According to her family, she died of extreme heat, hunger and dehydration.
The 23-year-old woman arrived on Monday on a special train for migrants.
Lawyer Badar Mahmood said 25 May CCTV footage of the particular railway platform should be seized, appropriate measures must be taken against the “brutal, arbitrary and capricious behavior” of the Railways and the government of Bihar, and appropriate compensation should also be granted. handed over to the family of the dead.
Copy of complaint indicates that woman boarded the Shramik special train from Gujarat on May 24 and reached Muzaffarpur station on May 25, where she felt unwell due to the lack of facilities as a shelter, food and clothing.
Special trains to Shramik have been launched by the Ministry of Railways to transport migrant workers stranded in various parts of the country due to the nationwide lockout to fight the coronavirus pandemic.
The complaint alleged that it was an act of negligence on the part of the Ministry of Railways and the government of Bihar, as they had not provided basic necessities on the train or at the station, and did not protect the woman and her child.
The complaint alleges that the deplorable situation of the Ministry of Railways and the government of Bihar for failing to provide basic necessities for food and health is “a shocking and flagrant violation of his human rights “.
Article 21 of India’s Constitution guarantees “the right to life and personal dignity” to all citizens of India and the guiding principles state that the state should try to promote the well-being of people by providing basic facilities to every citizen of the country, according to the complaint. added.