Center complains of prophets of fate before Supreme Court on migrant crisis


Coronavirus: Hundreds of Thousands of Migrant Workers Stuck During COVID-19 Lockout

New Delhi:

Grilled over the migrant crisis by the Supreme Court today, the government complained of “doomsayers” who only spread negativity and who refused to recognize the measures taken by it.

“We have something called prophets of doom who only spread negativity. All these people writing on social networks, giving interviews cannot even recognize what is being done. They are not being courteous to the nation They don’t even have patriotism to recognize, “said government representative Solicitor General Tushar Mehta.

The senior lawyer made the comments after declaring to the Supreme Court that he wished to register “two” complaints.

“Many measures have been taken by the government and the Supreme Court has been fully satisfied with them earlier,” said Mehta.

He said that none of these people had recognized the fact that state governments and ministers “worked overnight”.


Lakhs of migrants began to return home after the announcement of the coronavirus lockdown and before trains began to run

He then gave the example of the iconic photograph of Vulture and a hungry child in Sudan, won by Pulitzer, taken in 1983. “There was a vulture and a panicked child. The vulture was waiting for the death of the As a child, he photographed it and the photo was published in the NYT and the photographer received the Pulitzer Prize. He committed suicide after four months. He was not an activist. He did not run an NGO. He was a man with a conscience, “said the lawyer. Said the general.

“A reporter asked him, what happened to the child? He said I don’t know, I should go home. Then the reporter asked him – how many vultures were there? replied one. The reporter said – no, there were two. One was holding the camera. “

Mehta, apparently continuing his attack on opposition leaders, activists and others who have criticized the government’s handling of the migrant crisis, wondered if any of them had escaped air-conditioned offices and lounges to help.

“Those who appear before your lordships, let them establish their credentials. They earn thousands of dollars. Did they spend a penny? People feed people on the streets. Have any of them had want to get out of their NHQ offices? All these people who are criticizing, did one of them also come out of his air conditioned living room to help? All those people who wish to intervene must apply the vulture and the story of “What did they bring? Before entertaining them, ask them to file an affidavit on what their contribution was? Except to write on social media, write articles, give interviews.”


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