COVID-19: Man disguised as ‘Yamraj’ distributes masks in Bhopal
In a desperate attempt to put on masks and masks amidst the raging coronavirus, the administration of Bhopal has issued an ultimatum to its residents. Anyone without a mask will be given the duty to help health workers and others in the management of work related to COVID-19. A man disguised as a “Yamraj” (god of death) also took to the streets, asking people to wear masks or use face covers.
From Delhi to Bihar and Andhra Pradesh, Yamraj is a common sight asking people to stay indoors and take precautions against COVID-19.
Bhopal has registered 102 new cases in the past 24 hours and the total number of cases in the capital of Madhya Pradesh has touched 3,823.
“Store owners in Bhopal, found without a mask, will be given the duty of” corona warriors “and their stores will be closed for three days,” Bhopal collector Avinash Lavaniya told GalacticGaming.
“Every day, I am fined 10 to 12 people for not wearing a mask,” said Vinayak Soni, a traffic police officer.
According to Bhopal health workers, around 30 to 40% of the city’s inhabitants do not wear masks or face covers. Since the pandemic has spread like wildfire, experts say masks are the best way to control the spread of the deadly virus. The Prime Minister has also, in his many speeches to the nation, asked people to wear masks and maintain “do gas doori“(distance of about 6 feet).
Last week, a Tamil Nadu woman, disguised as the goddess Mariamman, was seen in the streets distributing masks and spreading the word about COVID-19. Tamil Nadu ranks second on the list of the worst virus affected states in India.