Measles and rubella have been eradicated from Sri Lanka and the Maldives, according to WHO
Measles and rubella have been eradicated from Sri Lanka and the Maldives after decades of vaccination programs, the World Health Organization announced on Wednesday.
“Coming at a time when the world is grappling with the COVID-19 pandemic, this success is encouraging and demonstrates the importance of joint efforts,” said WHO Regional Director Khetrapal Singh in a statement.
The Maldives recorded its last endemic case of measles in 2009 and rubella in October 2015, said the global health agency.
The last endemic cases of measles and rubella in Sri Lanka were reported in May 2016 and March 2017, respectively, he added.
There is no evidence of endemic transmission of the two viruses for more than three years “in the presence of an effective surveillance system”, according to the WHO.
Bhutan, North Korea and East Timor have also been declared free from measles.
The reports came amid outbreaks of measles in developed countries, including the United States.
An anti-vaxxer movement in the United States and elsewhere has exploded with the rise of conspiracy theories fueled by social media.
The coronavirus pandemic has disrupted health systems in South Asia and Southeast Asia, the WHO added, including immunization and surveillance programs.
He said he was determined to help member countries and partners to “fully revive” these activities.
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