According to some sources, a limited virtual participation is also envisaged as an option (File)
New Delhi:
On Friday, the President of Rajya Sabha, Mr. Venkaiah Naidu, had discussions with officials on different options for the conduct of the work of the Upper House during the next session of the monsoon of Parliament, because only 127 members can be accommodated in the main hall and galleries while respecting physical standards. .
According to some sources, limited virtual participation is also considered as an option.
The room and galleries of the Rajya Sabha can accommodate 127 members while respecting the standards of physical distance, the sources said.
All galleries, except the media gallery, would be used for members ‘seats, sources said, adding that the arrangements for mediators’ seats in the media gallery would also meet physical distance standards for which guidelines would be developed.
The secretary general and other senior officials from the Rajya Sabha secretariat participated in the hour-long deliberations, during which various options were discussed, the sources said.
The general position that emerged was to organize the seats of 127 chamber members and chamber galleries, in accordance with standards of physical distance, and to arrange for the other members to participate in the proceedings virtually from the central hall. or the sweogi. Auditorium in the premises of the Parliament, added the sources.
Limited virtual participation is currently being considered given the capacity constraints of the NIC at present, they added.
At the meeting, Mr. Naidu reiterated the need to increase the capacity of a larger virtual parliament in due course.
He suggested that the effort would be to allow members to participate in the work of the House as much as possible through proper planning.
Given the limited number of 127-member seats in the chamber and galleries, Naidu asked officials of the Secretariat to develop appropriate seating plans, depending on the strength of the different parties in the House, or any other effective criterion such as the preparation of a list of participants in the proceedings of the House of the day, which would be accommodated accordingly, said the sources.
Questions relating to the taking of Question Time, voting in the House if necessary, swearing in of solemn affirmation to newly elected members, detailed planning of transportation for members, effective measures for physical remoteness and sanitation were also discussed at the meeting.
The president ordered officials to submit a detailed action plan for further consideration early next week.
Friday’s review, sources said, aimed to enable Rajya Sabha’s secretariat to be able to execute the best possible option to hold the proceedings prepared for it and take necessary action whenever the government decides to hold the monsoon session of Parliament. .