On Monday, the Allahabad High Court expressed concern over the repeated abuse of the Cow Slaughter Prevention Act and the involvement of innocent people in such cases, stressing that “the defendants are still in prison for an offense that may not have been committed at all. “
The court also pointed out that in a number of cases, the meat recovered by the authorities was presented as cow meat (beef) without being analyzed by experts to establish its origin.
“Whenever a meat is collected, it is normally presented as cow (beef) meat without it being examined or analyzed by the forensic laboratory. In most cases, the meat is not. sent for analysis. The accused persons remain in prison for an offense which may not have been committed at all, “the court said during the hearing of the application for release on bail from Rahmu, alias Rahmuddin .
The court also raised questions about how cows are treated by their owners, pointing out that many are often left to fend for themselves by their owners when not being milked and guashalas (cow shelters) “do not accept non-dairy cows or old cows and are left to roam the roads.”
And the stray cows that are recovered (by the state) do not have adequate documentation and “we do not know where the cows go …”, continued the court.
“Cow owners after milking let the cows roam the roads, drink drainage / sewer water and eat garbage, polyethylene, etc. Cows on the road are a threat to traffic … cannot be transported … for fear of locals. and the police. We have to find a way to keep them in shelters or with owners, ”said the court.
The court made the remarks after being informed that the accused had been in prison for more than a month but had no specific allegations against his name in the FIR filed by local police.
According to the bail application filed today, the accused was not arrested at the crime scene. Rahmuddin, accused of killing a cow, has been in prison since August 5.
Rahmuddin received a conditional bond.