UN says phase 3 will be a ‘new normal’ and will take place when workplace risks are reduced
The United Nations:
The vast United Nations headquarters, which has remained largely closed since mid-March due to the COVID-19 pandemic, is preparing to reopen in three phases with new workplace measures put in place for the staff, diplomats and journalists who will understand a maximum occupancy by two people in the elevators and wearing masks in the common areas.
As New York City begins the first phase of reopening from Monday, the UN is also preparing to return to normal in three phases.
New York, the US city most affected by coronavirus, reported 211,728 cases and 21,323 deaths. The United States has more than 1.94 million infections and at least 110,400 have died.
“The safety and health of United Nations personnel, delegates and all others on the premises is the number one priority,” said Under-Secretary-General for Operational Support Atul Khare in a UN article.
“The physical return of staff to the workplace will be consistent and will follow – not anticipate – the loosening of restrictions by New York and the state.”
According to the Department of Operational Support, preparations are underway for a possible return under phase 1, staff from the Facilities and Commercial Service working 24 hours to prepare the offices and conference rooms. of the Secretariat on 39 floors.
The United Nations Department of Global Communications (DGC) said in an article that during phase 1, only certain activities will be allowed at UN headquarters. The ministry said that in order to move to phase 1, the New York on PAUSE executive order must be relaxed.
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo extended the New York PAUSE order, which required people to stay at home and all non-essential businesses closed, until June 13.
However, regions of the state have started a gradual reopening once they have met the seven health criteria prescribed by the state.
The UN said that for the first phase of its reopening, improvements also need to be seen in the local epidemic situation and health care capacity, in accordance with city and state recommendations.
During the first phase, the maximum occupancy of the Headquarters complex will be capped at 400 people per day, compared to 4,200 in normal times. The focus will be strictly on the tasks that need to be done on site and many critical tasks will continue to be done remotely, the department said.
Although the personnel required to perform the functions on site are expected to arrive with masks, no temperature control will be required to enter the premises and no COVID-19 test will be required before they return to the workplace.
All persons on the premises must wear face covers in common areas such as halls, elevators, corridors and toilets. In general, they will not be required to put on masks at their desk.
During phases 1 and 2, routine administrative or organizational face-to-face meetings will not be allowed.
The department said teams have been deployed to disinfect the high-density and high-sensitivity areas in the headquarters complex, which includes the 39-story secretarial tower, the General Assembly Hall, as well as the buildings of conference and library.
Frequently used areas and surfaces – from lobbies, elevators and toilets to furniture, door handles, switch plates, as well as handrails, turnstiles and counters are being thoroughly cleaned.
Corridors and walls are marked to designate new pedestrian traffic lanes to ensure that if people wait in queues, they still meet the requirements for physical distance. Hand disinfection stations are installed in the halls and other common areas, including at least one station on each floor of the offices.
During phase 2, building occupancy will gradually increase to a maximum of 1,100 people per day at the Headquarters complex, or around 40% of normal levels. Other working arrangements will remain largely in place and many employees will continue to work remotely.
Moving from phase 1 to phase 2 will require further reduction of the epidemic and strengthening of the health system in the host city, the UN said.
The UN has declared that phase 3 will be a “ new normal ” and will take place when workplace risks are reduced to pre-epidemic levels, and that restrictions related to COVID-19 will be lifted by the New York City and State, including those that will allow the reopening of nurseries and public schools.
The Operational Support Department said it was still too early to define the working arrangements that would be in place during the third phase.
“COVID-19 has changed the way we live, work and interact,” said Khare. “But we are resilient, and together we can navigate through it while maintaining physical distance of course.”