Thirteen of the 15 members of the Council had written to the Indonesian presidency to reject its validity (File)
The United Nations:
The United Nations on Tuesday blocked a controversial US offer to reimpose international sanctions on Iran, with the Security Council saying it could not pursue the contested decision.
The presidency of the Council, assumed in August by Indonesia, is “not in a position to take new measures” at the request of Washington, said Indonesian Ambassador Dian Triansyah Djani.
During a videoconference on the Middle East, he cited the lack of consensus within the highest UN body on US strategy as the main reason.
The Trump administration accuses Tehran of failing to abide by the terms of the landmark 2015 nuclear deal with Iran and calls on the Security Council to reimpose sanctions against the Islamic Republic.
Washington insists on its legal right to trigger the contested procedure, known as the “snapback” – despite the agreement withdrawing two years ago.
The move threatens to torpedo the deal with Iran and plunge the Council into crisis, while widening the wedge between the United States and nearly every other member over Iranian politics.
Thirteen of the 15 members of the Council had written to the Indonesian presidency to reject its validity.
The United States “stands alone” in its approach, and “their ultimate goal is to destroy the nuclear deal when they have already imposed (national) sanctions on Iran,” a diplomat told AFP who spoke on condition of anonymity.
Another said that with the categorical rejection of the US offer by almost all of the Council, “normally the case is closed.”
The United States did not see it that way.
“We reminded members of our right under Resolution 2231 to trigger a snapback, and our firm intention to do so in the absence of courage and moral clarity on the part of the Council,” the ambassador said. American at the UN Kelly Craft.
Washington has previously accused Council members of “siding with the Ayatollahs”.
The move, never used before, comes after the United States suffered a humiliating defeat in the Security Council earlier this month when it failed to mobilize support for a resolution to expand an embargo on conventional arms to Iran.
According to the 2015 agreement, in which sanctions against Iran were lifted in exchange for its agreement not to develop nuclear weapons, a notification that Tehran broke its promise must in principle be followed by a plan. resolution of the Presidency of the Security Council.
The exclusion of this option by Indonesia was welcomed on Tuesday by the majority of Council members.
According to diplomats, Washington could go so far as to table its own draft resolution, paving the way for even more confusion.
In this case, said an ambassador, opponents of the Council could go so far as to abstain from voting.
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