Image Chandra Grahan 2020: Another lunar eclipse of 2020 will take place in July and November (performance)
New Delhi:
Skygazers observers will attend the second lunar eclipse of 2020 on Friday, the first occurred on January 10.
People from Asia, Europe, Africa, Australia, South America, the Pacific, the Indian Ocean and Antarctica will be able to watch the next penumbral lunar eclipse or the “Chandra Grahan” . The penumbral lunar eclipse is different from the partial and total lunar eclipse. In this phenomenon, the Earth is placed between the Sun and the Moon and forms a line which is not straight. Because of this arrangement, the Earth prevents sunlight from directly reaching the surface of the moon, thereby forming a shadow, called penumbra.
In this context, only 57% of the Moon will pass through the penumbra of the Earth. However, since the penumbra is weak compared to the dark core of the Earth’s shadow, the shadow is difficult to differentiate and therefore the penumbral eclipse looks very much like a normal full moon.
Astronomers around the world have called the June 5 lunar eclipse “strawberry moon eclipse” because the full moon in June is known as the strawberry moon.
The other lunar eclipse of 2020 will take place in July and November and will also be penumbral. The “Surya Grahan” or Solar Eclipse will take place on June 21, incidentally, the longest day of the year.
There are three types of lunar eclipses:
Total lunar eclipse: in this phenomenon, the Moon passes through the umbrella shadow of the Earth. The inner part of the Earth’s shadow is called the shadow. In the middle of the eclipse, the entire moon is in the shade and may appear blood red.
Partial lunar eclipse: It is a phenomenon in which only a part of the Moon passes through the umbrella shadow of the Earth.
Penumbral lunar eclipse: phenomenon in which only the most diffuse outer shadow of the Earth – the penumbra – falls on the face of the moon.