On Facebook, Lenin Gutierrez said that he already had big plans for his unexpected advice.
San Deigo:
A barista in San Deigo, who refused to serve a woman because she was not wearing a mask, received praise from internet users and $ 32,000 in tips.
Lenin Gutierrez, working in a Starbucks barista in San Deigo, garnered praise when the woman – Amber Lynn Gilles – posted about her on Facebook in order to criticize her for not serving coffee because she was not wearing no mask, the Washington Post reported.
“Meet Lenin from Starbucks who refused to serve me because I do not wear a mask. Next time, I will wait for the cops and bring a medical exemption,” she posted.
The post backfired. Many Facebook users have defended Guiterrez and berated Gilles. It has more than 1,000,000 reactions and comments and 50,000 actions.
A Facebook user wrote: “There is no reason to publicly shame a child who tries to work his shift like any other day.” Another said, “I don’t blame the child behind the counter. They have to follow the rules given to them.”
San Deigo County issued a notice on May 1 requiring residents to wear face covers in most public places, including when shopping at a store or picking up food at a restaurant.
Many people have expressed their desire to tip Guiterrez.
That’s when Matt Cowan, a man who doesn’t know Guiterrez but fell on the post, decides to launch a virtual tip pot on GoFundMe.
Cowan called the donation page “Tips for Lenin to Resist a Karen from San Diego”. In the description, he wrote: “Raise money for Lenin for his honorable efforts which withstood a Karen in the wild.”
In three days, the total amount exceeds 32,000 USD and it continues to increase from hour to hour.
“Everyone is mobilizing around someone to do what they are supposed to do and to try to protect everyone,” Cowan said in an interview with KGTV. “It just shows that there are a lot of good people out there and it trumps the bad ones.”
On Facebook, Lenin Gutierrez said that he already had big plans for his unexpected advice. Lenin Gutierrez, who is an aspiring dancer, said he plans to use the money to fuel his passion and teach others the art of dance.
“With this gift that everyone has given me on GoFundMe, I can make those dreams come true,” he said. “From the bottom of my heart, thank you very much.”