The AMU urged the center to correct an “error” in recent university rankings.
Aligarh (UP):
Vice Chancellor of Aligarh Muslim University Tariq Mansoor today asked Minister of Human Resources Ramesh Pokhariyal to correct an “error” in recent university rankings, saying there was an error in NIRF data.
The university requested that the correction be made as soon as possible, as a lower grade would harm the career prospects of its students.
In a letter to the Minister of Human Resources, the vice-chancellor of the Muslim University of Aligarh said that a “serious discrepancy” in terms of doctoral results had adversely affected the ranking of the institution announced by the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF).
The university has 2,911 full-time researchers while NIRF data only mentions 33, said Shasay Kidwai, a university spokesperson, adding that since 2016, erroneous data is presented in the ranking.
Kidwai said that due to erroneous data, the WBU ranking dropped from 18th to 31st last year.
On the five parameters, the university obtained good results on four.