The official, who tested positive for coronavirus, last visited the office on May 29. (Folder)
New Delhi:
A co-secretary of the legislative department of the Ministry of Law gave a positive result to the COVID-19 test today, which prompted the authorities to order the remediation of parts of the fourth floor of Shastri Bhawan in Delhi.
Officials and other staff who had come into direct contact with the co-secretary were asked to self-quarantine until June 12, a ministry circular said.
Shastri Bhawan’s A and D wings on the fourth floor will be disinfected Thursday and Friday in accordance with standards established by the Ministry of Health.
The officer last visited May 29.
In addition to the Ministry of Law, certain other ministries and departments are located on the fourth floor of the building.
In May, an assistant secretary to the Department of Legal Affairs at the Ministry of Justice tested positive for COVID-19.
While the Legislative Department drafts and approves laws and other key documents, the Legal Affairs Department provides advice to various ministries on complex legal issues.
Shastri Bhavan, a government building, houses the offices of several Union ministries.