The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has announced a proposed rule to set the period of stay.
The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) on Thursday announced a proposed rule to set the length of stay for international students, exchange visitors and foreign journalists to “encourage program compliance and improve national security ”.
According to an official statement issued by DHS, “the notice of proposed regulation, establishing a fixed period of admission and a procedure for extending stay for non-immigrant university students, exchange visitors and representatives of the media in Aliens Information, proposes to remove the length of the status framework that currently allows foreigners of classifications F, J and I to stay in the United States as long as they meet the admission requirements. “
“This effort would create a fixed period of admission for certain foreigners, compatible with most other classifications of temporary visas, while giving these foreigners the possibility to legally extend their stay or to reapply for admission if necessary. “said Ken Cuccinelli, Senior Civil Servant serving as Deputy Secretary.
“Amending relevant regulations is essential to improve program oversight mechanisms, prevent foreign adversaries from exploiting the country’s educational environment, and properly enforce and enforce US immigration laws,” Cuccinelli added.
Under the proposed rule, F or J nonimmigrants would be admitted to the United States for a period up to their program end date, not exceeding four years, unless DHS determines that the non- immigrant is subject to a shorter authorized period of stay. limited to two years.
“Foreigners from countries associated with high visa overrun rates (rates above 10% for students and exchange visitors) will be limited to a fixed maximum stay period of two years to strengthen surveillance, deter immigration offenses and encourage timely departures “. Read the statement.
DHS added: “Additional factors that may trigger a two-year period of authorized stay include the birth or citizenship of an alien from a country on the list of terrorist sponsor states; whether a school or program sponsor is an E-Verify participant in good standing. ; and, for non-immigrants F, if a school is accredited by an accreditation body recognized by the Education Secretariat. Non-immigrants F or J legally present who have been admitted for the duration of their status will automatically have their stay extended until the program end date, not to exceed four years, once the final rule has entered into force. “
DHS initially proposed to admit most non-immigrants for a period of time necessary to carry out planned activities or missions, not exceeding 240 days, with the option of extending their stay for a maximum of 240 days. depending on the duration of the Activities.
“Other updates found in the proposed rule include reducing the preparation period of a non-immigrant F from 60 to 30 days to prepare for departure; routine biometric data collection from non-immigrant F , J and I seeking extension of stay; establishing clear eligibility criteria for nonimmigrants F requesting extension of stay and defining a foreign media organization in line with US State Department policy and DHS, ”the statement added.