“He (Sachin Pilot) wants the chief minister to go, not the party,” Mukul Rohatgi said.
New Delhi:
Raising the voice of dissent and demanding the removal of the chief minister is not the same as quitting the party, senior lawyer Mukul Rohatgi said of the Sachin Pilot uprising.
“Sachin Pilot has publicly stated that he is not joining the BJP. He has raised his voice of dissent, everyone has the right to be a dissenter,” said Mr. Rohatgi, who is Sachin Pilot’s lawyer. and 18 rebel congressmen who went to court against disqualification notices served on them last week.
A lawmaker can be disqualified if he is considered to have voluntarily left party members, Rohatgi said.
“A man says I want to stay in Congress and I want to strengthen the party by changing the chief minister, how is this anti-party?”
“He (Sachin Pilot) wants the chief minister to go, not the party,” Rohatgi said.