Kanye West has asked his supporters to vote for him as a written candidate.
Los Angeles:
Rapper Kanye West released his first official campaign video on Monday in his long-running bid to be elected President of the United States on November 3, focusing on religion and families.
West, 43, who kicked off his White House campaign with erratic statements on his social media accounts in July, is on the official ballot in a handful of US states, according to US media, but doesn’t has no mathematical chance of winning.
In Monday’s video, the musician and fashion designer asked his supporters to vote for him as a written candidate.
“As we turn to faith, we’ll be the kind of nation, the kind of people, that God wants us to be,” West says in the video, featuring praying families and nature photos.
The video was the first major bid from West, formerly one of President Donald Trump’s biggest celebrities, to be considered a serious candidate for the White House. He did little campaigning as part of his so-called birthday party as his sanity rose.
The 21 Grammy Award-winning “Heartless” singer said in 2018 that he suffers from bipolar disorder.
Some political analysts believe the West’s candidacy could deflect some black supporters of Democrat Joe Biden in the presidential election.
West has spent some $ 5.8 million on his campaign this year, according to a filing with the Federal Election Commission. Most of the funding comes from a $ 6.7 million loan itself.
Its website kanye2020.country has ads for hoodies, hats, and t-shirts ranging from $ 40 to $ 160.
It also sets out a 10-point policy platform that includes reforming police services and justice systems, reducing student debt, and restructuring the education system to better serve vulnerable people.
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