Dr. VK Paul, a member of NITI Aayog, said that India would not allow the will of the virus to cross this country.
New Delhi:
India is doing “fairly well” in fighting COVID-19 and “will win this war”, the Center said on Thursday, saying that although the country has adopted the same principles as China to contain the spread of the coronavirus , his experience was different as the illness came through the trip and affected several points.
At a press conference, President of Empowered Group One and NITI member Aayog, Dr. VK Paul, said that China was the first to experience the COVID-19 epidemic and that it was located in a particular province, then spread to a few other cities.
Asked what India did not do and China was right to limit the number of cases, Mr. Paul said that the principles adopted by China were exactly the same as those adopted by India in terms containment, social distancing and other non-pharmacological measures.
“But, remember once the disease came out of China, the whole world had to deal with this pandemic in a very different way because it came through travel, it came to many points in every nation , including ours, “said Mr. Paul.
“It takes time for the whole process to be mobilized and it has been sown in a large population around the world. But the principles are essentially the same – that is, discipline on the part of people , containment strategy that we have been highlighting, which is at the heart of our approach and because of which we have a limited disease, in a limited number of cities and a limited number of containment zones, “he said. -he declares.
The principles the world follows are based on experience gained in the SARS and MERS epidemics, he said.
“I don’t think the approach is different, all nations are grappling with balancing priorities to maintain a reasonable life balance with the level of suppression that you can ensure on the spread of the disease and I think that India is doing pretty well, “said Paul.
The virus has the nature of traveling very quickly and it catches all sensitive people if it can, but India will not allow the will of the virus to cross this country, he said.
“The nation has demonstrated that it can be contained, it can be mitigated, it can be removed and together, the nation will win this war,” said Paul.