World Emoji Day 2020: discover your favorite emoji today
New Delhi:
His #WorldEmojiDathere today! Yes, there is such a day and social media is buzzing with everything related to emojis. An emoji can be described as a form of digital expression of your feelings. Communication in the virtual world today is practically incomplete without it. Whatever the occasion – a message of congratulations, a festival, happiness, hunger or a message of condolence – there is an emoji for everything. No words are needed.
At the time of the coronavirus pandemic, when social distance is the new norm and you want to kiss your friend “safely”, an emoji will help you.
Caption this emoji from Emoji Kitchen.
We will go first“When you have to send a hug of safe air.”
– Google India (@GoogleIndia) July 17, 2020
Coronavirus-inspired emojis seem to be a hot favorite on Twitter. Here is another reminder to some of us who had to do the housework and washing between work at home during the lockout.
What does this emoji remind you of?
Our answer: When Bartan’s homework comes back to haunt you, every morning
– Google India (@GoogleIndia) July 17, 2020
Amul’s daughter ‘Utterly Butterly Delicious’ tweeted a play on a popular Bollywood song from years past!
#Amul Theme: Today is
– (@Amul_Coop) July 17, 2020
The United Nations Twitter handle for women spread a deep message on World Emoji Day. From inequality to racism, discrimination and violence, the tweet at a glance expresses all of this.
Happy #WorldEmojiDay! Here are 6 women’s issues you should know explained in the emojis.
– UN Women (@UN_Women) July 17, 2020
How do you celebrate #WorldEmojiDay? From “Thank God, it’s Friday”, plan a fun evening with your friends and family and play a game with emoticons. You can also draw emojis with your kids.
I wish you a happy #WorldEmojiDay!