The IAF STAR exam was scheduled to take place in March 2020.
New Delhi:
The Indian Air Force (IAF) will likely conduct the STAR exam in the third week of August. The exam is held for the selection of IAF Airmen. “The STAR 01/2020 exam is tentatively scheduled for the third week of August 2020. In addition, updates will be available on the ACMS web portal ( applicants should check the web portal regularly, ”IAF notified on its website.
The review was scheduled to take place in March 2020.
Thanks to STAR, the Indian Air Force selects candidates for aviators in the professions of group “ X ” (except for the profession of instructor in education) and of group “ Y ” except trades of automotive mobile technician, Indian Air Force (police), Indian Air Force (security) and musician trades. .
For occupations in group “X”, candidates will be selected on the basis of an online test which will last 60 minutes and will include English, physics and mathematics according to the 10 + 2 CBSE program.
For jobs in the “Y” group, candidates will be selected on the basis of an online test lasting 45 minutes and will understand English according to the 10 + 2 CBSE program and general reasoning and awareness.
For applicants who have applied for both Group “ X ” and Group “ Y ” trades, the duration of the online test will be 85 minutes and will include English, Physics and Mathematics as per Schedule 10 + 2 CBSE and general reasoning and awareness.
Of fake exam-related notices that are being released, the IAF said: “We have found that some of the candidates called to register for Intake 02/2020 have received an email from a fake email id indicating the postponement of registration dates, which is not correct. “
“Applicants are advised to disregard these fake emails and report their registration on the date, time and place mentioned in their electronic appeal letter / registration list published on June 9 2020. It is reiterated that the registration for Airmen 02/2020 would be done according to the original plan mentioned in the electronic appeal letters of the candidates ”, reads the notice published by the IAF.
The initial period of engagement for Airmen in the IAF is 20 years, which can be extended up to the age of 57. Prospects for promotion up to the rank of Master Warrant Officer exist for deserving candidates. There are also opportunities to become a commissioned officer for Airmen who qualify for the prescribed exam later in their service career, according to information provided by the IAF on its website.
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