Face masks are believed to protect healthy people from inhaling infectious droplets.
Homemade masks should ideally be made from multiple layers of fabric to trap virus-laden droplets from the nose and mouth associated with the spread of Covid-19, according to a study.
Scientists in Australia have compared the effectiveness of one- and two-layer cloth face coverings with a surgical mask. Using a custom LED lighting system and a high-speed video camera, they showed that a single layer reduced the spread of speech droplets, but less than a double layer.
⚡️😷 What is the best homemade face mask to curb # Covid19?
Here’s What Happens When You Cough, Sneeze, and Speak in Different Face Coverings, Scientists Find
https://t.co/rBVt03XsTb– Bloomberg QuickTake (@QuickTake) July 24, 2020
A double layer was also “significantly better” at reducing the spread of droplets caused by coughing and sneezing, although a three-ply surgical mask was best among all the scenarios tested, the researchers led by Raina MacIntyre of the University of New South Wales in Sydney said in an article published Thursday in the journal Thorax.
Face masks are believed to protect healthy people from inhaling infectious droplets and reduce the spread of those who are already infected.
Global shortages of protective equipment have led the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other health authorities to recommend homemade fabric face coverings as an alternative to surgical masks.
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