Submitted Chatterjee as Feluda (courtesy Twitter)
Strong points
- “Wherever you are Submitra Chatterjee, stay well Feluda”, one reads in a tweet
- “You will always be in our hearts, Feluda,” said another.
- “A lot of us grew up with Feluda,” one user wrote
New Delhi:
The famous Bengal actor Soumitra Chatterjee died at the age of 85 on Sunday afternoon, 40 days after his admission to a hospital in Kolkata. Soumitra Chatterjee has left behind an illustrious work legacy, one of his most popular onscreen characters, Feluda. Mr Chatterjee was the first actor to bring Feluda – the Bengali private investigator, created by Satyajit Ray – live on screen. Soumitra Chatterjee played the role of Feluda in two films directed by Mr. Ray – Sonar Kella and Joy Baba Felunath. On Twitter, heartbroken fans shared tributes remembering Soumitra Chatterjee as the Feluda they grew up with: “We will miss you, Feluda,” a tweet read while another user added: “Where ever you are Submitra Chatterjee, stay well Feluda. “
“I know he has played in many roles throughout his illustrious career, but for me he will always be Feluda,” said one avid Feluda fan as another user summed up the emotions on Twitter and wrote : “While the world grew up with Sherlock Holmes, many of us grew up with Feluda.”
Actress Sayani Gupta is one of those for whom Soumitra Chatterjee will always be synonymous with Feluda. “Submissive Chatterjee, Feluda, is leaving us. Numb. An era, a generation, a huge legacy gone. Gave 70 years to the Silver Screen,” she tweeted.
Soumitra Chatterjee, Feluda, is leaving us. Numb.
An era, a generation, a huge legacy that has disappeared.
Gave 70 years to the Silver Screen.– Sayani Gupta (@sayanigupta) November 15, 2020
2020 khub baje. Wherever you are Submitra Chatterjee, stay well Feluda. I think the biggest ode to you isn’t Satyajit Ray’s Apu, but when we read Feluda’s books we imagine the character to be you. Rest and smile in peace
– Mr. Roy (@iamroysunny) November 15, 2020
What a terrible day. We will miss you, Feluda.
– (I’m done) (@ Shayonnita15) November 15, 2020
We remember the heroes but the LEGENDS never die … You will always be in our heart Feluda
– Aritra Daspoddar (@AritraDaspoddar) November 15, 2020
The death of a childhood hero. I know he’s played in many roles throughout his illustrious career, but for me he will always be Feluda. This one really hurts that he rests in peace
– Faruk Abdullah (@ FARUKAB08890589) November 15, 2020
2020 takes on another legend, another icon. You are proud of our Bangali culture. The Indian film industry is losing one of its crown jewels. Wherever you are, stay well Feluda. Rest in peace.
– Raima (@Angryybunnyy) November 15, 2020
As the world grew up with Sherlock Holmes, many of us grew up with Feluda. My love for old Bangla movies is submerged, and they are incomplete without #SoumitraChatterjee…..
– Pri C (@ SilentSilver05) November 15, 2020
Soumitra Chatterjee’s work is unparalleled in any Indian actor. Probably one of the best in world cinema too. From Apu to Khit Da, from Mayurbahan to Feluda, there was nothing this man could not do.
– Mo (@ mbthecool19) November 15, 2020
Rest in peace dear Feluda. Indian cinema has just lost another gem. There can never be another Chatterjee Submitra.
– Shivani Desai (@ShivaniDesain) November 15, 2020
Feluda, my childhood hero passed away today! God called him to his heavenly home for urgent investigation. TEAR #SoumitraChatterjee , dean of Bengali cinema
– Rana Mitra (@ RanaMitra15) November 15, 2020
Rest in peace Feluda, Apu. I will always remember you with a smile on my face
– Snigdha (@nyakamokorbenna) November 15, 2020
Among the most famous roles of Soumitra Chatterjee was Apu – he made his acting debut as the titular character in the 1959 Satyajit Ray film Apur Sansar, which is part of the famous Pather Panchali trilogy. Soumitra Chatterjee and Mr Ray have collaborated on 14 films. Mr. Chatterjee has also been directed by other big names in Bengali cinema, including Mrinal Sen, Tapan Sinha, Ajoy Kar. Soumitra Chatterjee’s last big screen release was in 2019 Sanjhbati.
Soumitra Chatterjee was taken to Belle Vue Clinic in Calcutta on October 6, a day after testing positive for coronavirus. The actor tested negative shortly after a week on October 14, but remained admitted due to health complications, particularly COVID-19-induced encephalopathy. On Sunday afternoon, an official statement on the actor’s death read: “We declare with heavy hearts that Shri Soumitra Chattopadhyay breathed his last at 12:15 pm at the Belle Vue clinic today (November 15, 2020). let’s pay homage to his soul. “