Vikas Dubey, accused in 64 cases, was shot dead on July 10, a day after his arrest in Ujjain.
New Delhi:
A former Supreme Court justice and a police officer will remain on the panel investigating the death of great criminal Vikas Dubey, the Supreme Court said today, dropping a petition to dismiss them. The petitioners wanted a reconstitution of the panel, which was suggested by the Supreme Court on July 22 – days after Vikas Dubey was shot while trying to escape police custody.
Following the advice of the highest court, the government of Uttar Pradesh had established a judicial commission of inquiry headed by the retired Supreme Court judge, Justice BS Chauhan and the retired High Court judge. Court SK Agarwal and the former Director General of Police KL Gupta as members.
The petitioners wanted Judge SK Agarwal removed from the panel, claiming he was unfit because he had resigned protesting his transfer from the High Court from Allahabad to Jharkhand.
They also wanted the former police chief to be impeached, arguing he was biased.
As proof, they had cited his statements. “When it comes to the value of the fee, we should accept what the police say and why do we always start with negativity and overtake the police? Meetings don’t happen, happen,” Gupta said. .
The former top cop was not taking sides in the controversy, Chief Justice of India SA Bobde told the petitioners today. “He also said the investigation was ongoing and they would be punished,” he added.
“We cannot change this person like that because of apprehension. A sane person reading the while statement will not believe this man is biased,” the chief justice said.
“There is a former Supreme Court justice and a former High Court judge also on the panel. The commission of inquiry will not be flawed because of an officer,” Chief Justice Bobde said.
Vikas Dubey was shot dead on July 10, a day after his arrest in Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh. Police said he tried to escape when the police car transferring him to Kanpur encountered an accident.
A few days later, the Supreme Court ordered an investigation, focusing on the death of Viks Dubey, the meeting in Kanpur in which he killed eight police officers and the fact that he was repeatedly released on bail by the courts despite its involvement in 64 cases.
“Leaving Dubey on bail is the most important factor to look at and it has led to all of these consequences,” the Supreme Court said. Chief Justice SA Bobde said it was “appalling” that with 64 cases against him the gangster was released from prison.
Speaking to GalacticGaming, retired judge BS Chauhan said his mandate was to investigate how Dubey obtained bail or parole. “How it was granted to him … this is the important question that the panel will examine as requested by the Court. The Code of Criminal Procedure is very strict on these matters, but he has obtained a bond,” he said. he declares.