ICFRE 2020 Recruitment: Application forms will be published by the institute on August 17.
New Delhi:
The Forestry Research Institute, Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education (ICFRE), Dehradun has announced it will fill more than 100 vacancies. Application forms and recruitment details will be released by the institute on August 17. Details will be available on the official website http://fri.icfre.gov.in.
Vacancies have been announced in the posts of library information assistant, technical assistant, grade II and general staff.
The previous edition of this recruitment was notified in 2018. A total of 92 vacant positions had been advertised to be filled. The institute had completed the exam in 2018 and retaken the exam in 2019. The final result was announced in November 2019.
ICFRE recruitment details
Vacancy details
- Library Information Assistant: 1 post
- Technical assistant (field / laboratory research): 59 positions
- Technical assistant (maintenance): 3 positions
- Steno Grade II: 4 positions
- Multitasking staff: 40 positions
Registration dates
- Opening date for submission of application forms: August 17
- Deadline for submission of application forms: September 15
How to register: The forms will be available online at http://frirecruitment.icfre.gov.in and http://fri.icfre.gov.in
The Forestry Research Institute, Dehra Dun was established in 1906 and is one of the oldest institutions of its kind. Important areas the institute focuses on include biodiversity conservation, forestry education and policy research, social forestry, agroforestry, development of technologies for reclamation of wasteland, among others .
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