A lawsuit has been filed against the president of Medanta, Dr. Naresh Trehan. (File)
New Delhi:
Medanta hospital, one of the best health centers in the country, said an FIR or police complaint was made against him and its president, Dr. Naresh Trehan, was due to “one person who managed to secure a news space with irresponsible and frivolous accusations, without any careful examination of his claims. “
The hospital, among the best known in the country, has firmly denied allegations of corruption in the way it obtained 53 acres of land in Gurugram, near Delhi.
Last week, a lawsuit against the FIR or the police was filed against the hospital and its president, the famous cardiologist Dr Trehan.
The FIR was filed by a man named Raman Sharma, who, according to the hospital, was himself named in a police extortion complaint in 2015.
Sharma was able to secure a court in Haryana to order the police to register the FIR by retaining crucial information that two previous attempts by him had failed in the Delhi courts, the hospital said.
Mr. Sharma claims to be an RTI activist. He says the land was acquired from residents in 2004 by government officials who then bypassed the rules in favor of Medanta and Dr. Trehan, who is his co-founder.
The Delhi High Court, rejecting his version of events, said that his allegations were “vague, nonspecific and even no sufficiently detailed incident was mentioned in the whole complaint”.
He then went to a court in Haryana which ordered the FIR, which the hospital said had only succeeded in withholding crucial information from the court about his previous unsuccessful attempts.
Entire Medanta Declaration:
We are shocked to see the allegations against the Medanta hospital and its president, by a person who managed to obtain a news space with irresponsible and frivolous accusations, without any examination of his claims. Although Medanta has always let our work and our commitment to health care speak for themselves, we feel compelled to set the record straight with what we see emerging as news in recent days.
One individual, Raman Sharma, who claimed to be an RTI activist, but as reported by the media, was charged with extortion, and made completely false and baseless allegations against our president and others. The allegations are absurd and, in fact, what has been overlooked is that Raman Sharma had previously filed two identical cases to this one in Delhi, one at Patiala House Court and one at Delhi High Court. These two cases were dismissed and the judge dismissed his allegations because “vague, non-specific and not even a single sufficiently detailed incident was mentioned in the whole complaint”.
After failing in the Delhi courts, he went to the Gurugram district court. He did not disclose to Gurugram Court that a full investigation had already been completed and it was found that the allegations were unfounded. Thus he mischievously misled the court by making an order in his favor, which should never have been adopted.
Raman Sharma was charged with extortion in 2015 and an FIR was registered against him (FIR 0548 dated 10/10/2015 at the central police station in Faridabad). The extortionists found fertile ground, while pretending to be RTI activists. This is demonstrated by the fact that the allegations in his complaint relate to the 16-year subdivision on which the hospital is built. We are proud of solid principles of governance and financial transparency. The allegations in the complaint are simply absurd.
We are in the midst of a global pandemic. Many of our doctors, including our President, although over the age of 65, continue to selflessly care for their patients in the face of this pandemic, putting themselves at risk every day to serve others. We regret that in the midst of their courage every day, they are forced to respond to completely malicious and false allegations.
Despite the harassment of some people, we will continue to focus our energy and resources on saving lives and providing health care, especially at a time when this has never been more important than today.