Mark Zuckerberg said Facebook would add tags to posts that are “newsworthy” but violate the platform’s rules.
Facebook said Friday it would ban a “broader category of hateful behavior” in advertisements as the struggling social media giant moved to respond to growing protests over its handling of inflammatory messages.
CEO Mark Zuckerberg also said Facebook would add tags to “newsworthy” posts but violate the platform’s rules – like Twitter, which used these tags on tweets of President Donald Trump.
This decision comes with the main social network facing the boycott of advertisers, with the Anglo-Dutch giant Unilever who joined on Friday, in the context of a protest by activists demanding a more severe action by Facebook on content promoting discrimination and violence.
New Hate Content Policy “Will Ban Allegations That People of Race, Ethnicity, National Origin, Religious Affiliation, Caste, Orientation sexual identity, gender identity or immigration status threatens the physical security, health or survival of others. “said Zuckerberg on his Facebook page.
“We are also expanding our policies to better protect immigrants, migrants, refugees and asylum seekers from advertisements suggesting that these groups are inferior or expressing contempt, dismissal or disgust against them.”
(This story has not been edited by GalacticGaming staff and is automatically generated from a syndicated feed.)