Restaurants in containment zones must remain closed (file)
New Delhi:
The Interior Ministry released detailed guidelines for restaurants tonight that can operate from June 8 as part of “Unlock1”, which comes more than two months after the country was blocked to contain the spread of coronavirus.
The Indian Government’s Department of Health and Family Welfare on preventive measures in restaurants to contain the spread of COVID-19
1. Context
In view of the current COVID-19 epidemic in India, it is important that restaurants and other accommodation units take appropriate measures to limit further transmission of the virus while providing catering services.
2. Scope
This document describes various generic precautionary measures to be adopted in addition to specific measures to be taken in specific places to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Restaurants in containment areas should remain closed. Only exterior containment areas will be allowed to open.
3. Generic preventive measures
People over the age of 65, people with co-morbidities, pregnant women and children under the age of 10 are advised to stay at home, except for essential and health reasons. Management of the restaurant to be advised accordingly.
Generic measures include simple public health measures which should be followed to reduce the risk of COVID-19. These measures must be observed by everyone (staff and customers) in these places at all times.
These include:
I. Physical distance of at least 6 feet to follow as much as possible.
ii. The use of masks / masks to be made mandatory.
iii. Practice frequent hand washing with soap (for at least 40 to 60 seconds) even when the hands are not visibly dirty. The use of alcohol-based hand sanitizers (for at least 20 seconds) can be done whenever possible.
iv. Breathing labels to be followed strictly. This involves a strict practice of covering your mouth and nose while coughing / sneezing with a handkerchief / handkerchief / bent elbow and properly disposing of the tissue used.
v. Self-monitoring of health by all and promptly reporting any illness to the state and district hotline.
vi. Spitting is strictly prohibited.
vii. The installation and use of the Aarogya Setu application must be advised to all.
4. All restaurants must guarantee the following:
I. Take away food to encourage, instead of Dine-In. Food delivery personnel must leave the package at the customer’s door. DO NOT deliver the food package directly to the customer.
ii. The personnel responsible for home deliveries must be thermally controlled by the restaurant authorities before authorizing home deliveries.
iii. Entrance to have compulsory provisions of hand hygiene (disinfectant dispenser) and thermal screening.
iv. Only asymptomatic staff and clients are allowed.
v. All staff and customers will only be allowed to enter if they are using a face mask. The facial mask must be worn at all times inside the restaurant.
vi. Posters / standing passengers / audiovisual media on preventive measures concerning COVID-19 will be posted in a conspicuous place.
vii. Spread customers to do, if possible.
viii. Adequate labor must be deployed by the restaurant management to guarantee standards of social distancing.
ix. All employees who are most at risk, that is, older employees, pregnant employees and employees who have underlying medical conditions, take extra precautions. Preferably, they should not be exposed to any front-line work requiring direct contact with the public. Management of the restaurant to facilitate work at home as much as possible.
X. Good crowd management in parking lots and outside the premises – respecting standards of social distancing must be ensured.
xi. Additional customers will be seated in a designated waiting area with standards of social distancing.
xii. Valet parking, if available, must be operational and operating personnel must wear masks / masks and gloves, if applicable. Good disinfection of the steering, door handles, keys, etc. of vehicles must be carried out.
xiii. Specific markings can be made with sufficient distance to manage the queue and ensure social distance in the premises.
xiv. It is preferable to organize separate entrances and exits for customers, staff and goods / supplies.
xv. The precautions required when handling supplies, stocks and goods in the restaurant must be ensured. Correct management and disinfection of queues must be organized.
xvi. Maintain a physical distance of at least 6 feet, when queuing for entry and inside the restaurant whenever possible.
xvii. Seats must be arranged in such a way as to maintain an adequate social distance. In restaurants, no more than 50% of the seating capacity will be authorized.
xviii. It is advisable to use disposable menus.
xix. Instead of cloth towels, the use of good quality disposable paper towels should be encouraged.
xx. The buffet service should also follow the standards of social distancing between customers.
xxi. The number of people in the elevators must be limited, thus respecting the standards of social distancing.
xxii. The use of escalators with a person on alternative steps can be encouraged.
xxiii. For air conditioning / ventilation, the CPWD guidelines must be followed, which emphasizes, among other things, that the temperature setting of all air conditioning devices must be between 24 and 30 ° C, the relative humidity must be between 40 and 70%, the supply of fresh air must be as much as possible and cross ventilation must be adequate.
xxiv. Large gatherings / congregations are prohibited.
xxv. Efficient and frequent sanitation facilities should be maintained on the premises, paying particular attention to toilets, wash and hand wash stations / areas.
xxvi. Regular cleaning and disinfection (using 1% sodium hypochlorite) of frequently touched surfaces (door knobs, elevator buttons, handrails, benches, toilets, etc.) must be made compulsory in all customer service areas and common areas.
xxvii. Appropriate disposal of face covers / masks / gloves left by customers and / or staff should be ensured.
xxviii. Thorough cleaning of all toilets should be provided at regular intervals.
xxix. Adequate crowd and queue management must be ensured to ensure standards of social distancing.
xxx. Staff / servers should wear a mask and gloves and take other required precautionary measures.
xxxi. The contactless ordering method and the digital payment method (using electronic wallets) are to be encouraged.
xxxii. Tables to be disinfected each time the customer leaves.
xxxiii. In the kitchen, staff must follow standards of social distancing in the workplace. The kitchen area should be sanitized at regular intervals.
xxxiv. Play arches / children’s play areas (if applicable) must remain closed.
xxxv. In the event of a suspect or confirmed case on the premises:
a. Place the sick person in a room or place where they are isolated from others.
b. Provide a mask / face cover until examined by a doctor.
vs. Immediately notify the nearest medical facility (hospital / clinic) or call the state or district helpline.
re. A risk assessment will be undertaken by the designated public health authority (district TRR / attending physician) and, therefore, further action will be taken regarding case management, contacts and the need for disinfection.
e. Disinfection of premises to be resumed if the person is found positive.