Donald Trump signed a proclamation on Monday suspending the most wanted H-1B visas
President Donald Trump’s temporary suspension of the H-1B visa and other non-immigrant visas will have a “disproportionate” impact on highly skilled Asian workers and harm American businesses that depend on immigrant workers, US lawmakers said. .
In a blow to Indian computer professionals eyeing the US job market, Donald Trump signed a proclamation on Monday suspending the most wanted H-1B visas and other types of foreign work visas until the end of 2020 to protect American workers in a crucial election year. The new restrictions take effect from today.
“This (visa suspension) will have a disproportionate impact on highly skilled workers in Asia, who use the H1-B visa system extensively and represent over 80% of H1-B visa holders in the United States”, Congressman Judy Chu said, President of the Asia Pacific Pacific American Caucus said Tuesday.
The H-1B visa is a non-immigrant visa that allows American companies to employ foreign workers in specialized occupations that require theoretical or technical expertise. Technology companies depend on it to hire tens of thousands of employees from countries like India and China every year.
“It is a purely xenophobic and sectarian agenda that goes against our national interest,” said Ms. Chu.
She stressed that immigrants are essential to the US economy and are needed not only in agriculture and medicine, but also in business, academia and “everything in between as well “
“If we are to rebuild our economy following the COVID-19 pandemic, we cannot close ourselves to immigrants. The president’s order puts his own election year policy above the needs of our country” said Ms. Chu.
“Worse yet, by fueling xenophobia and reinforcing the false impression that immigrants are cutting American jobs, the President’s order puts immigrants at risk at a time when hate crimes are increasing. This order is dividing our country at a time when we must I am firmly opposed to the Trump administration’s continuing attacks on our legal immigration system, “she said.
Congressman Jerrold Nadler, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, said the visa suspension order was both an “abuse” of the president’s executive power and an “politically motivated” attempt to reject the fault.
“Donald Trump’s relentless anti-immigrant agenda is not only immoral, it hurts American businesses that depend on immigrant workers,” he said.
Visas that are temporarily suspended include L-1 visas for intra-company transfers, H-1B for workers in specialized professions as well as the H-4 visa for spouses, H-2B for temporary non-agricultural workers and most J-1 visas for exchange visitors.
The new rules would only apply to those who are outside the United States, do not have a valid non-immigrant visa, and an official travel document other than a visa to enter the country.
In a joint statement, Mr. Nadler and the President of Immigration and Citizenship, Zoe Lofgren, said that Donald Trump was once again abusing the law in an attempt to distract the American public from his abject failure in the fight against COVID-19.
“Rather than dragging us into a period of stable economic recovery – which creates real and lasting jobs for the American public – he is trying to blame it and go back to his favorite political targeting and scapegoat,” said the two members of the Democratic Congress.
MP Anna G Eshoo said the president’s decision unfairly blames immigrants for America’s cascading economy and will only harm the country’s long-term economic recovery, growth and competitiveness.
“I represent the heart of Silicon Valley, which is the world leader in innovation. Almost one in three of my constituents was born outside the United States and they are essential to the success of our country,” said the Democratic legislator.
Congressman Filemon Vela said the suspension will affect highly skilled workers, seasonal workers, spouses of highly skilled immigrants, researchers, academics and business leaders seeking to transfer positions to the United States. foreigner with the same employer.
Noting that immigrants are essential to positive economic growth in the United States, he said: “Texas alone is home to about 10 percent of all green card holders … the state will likely be the hardest hit. after New York. Experts predict the long-term ramifications of this decision will not only stifle the country’s ability to attract the best talent in the world, but will also harm America’s greatest asset – its diversity. “
A green card, officially known as a permanent resident card, allows a foreigner to live and work permanently in the United States.
Meanwhile, Congressman Mo Brooks praised Trump’s action.
“I am also pleased that President Trump has refused to give in to intense pressure from the American Chamber of Commerce and other special interest groups who, out of greed and self-interest, have had the chutzpah to demand the even cheaper foreign labor imports despite the severe damage to unemployed and struggling American families, “he said.
Congressman Lance Gooden said that H-1B visas and similar guest worker programs are not necessary when 45 million Americans are unemployed due to the coronavirus pandemic.
While defending his decision, President Trump noted that the overall unemployment rate in the United States had almost quadrupled between February and May 2020 – producing some of the most extreme unemployment rates ever recorded by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
While the unemployment rate of 13.3% in May reflects a marked drop from April, millions of Americans remain unemployed.
(With the exception of the title, this story was not edited by GalacticGaming staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)