Donald Trump on high approval rating from US health expert Anthony Fauci


Donald Trump, on the other hand, has drawn criticism over his handling of the pandemic


President Donald Trump complained on Tuesday about the high approval ratings of medical expert Anthony Fauci and joked that “no one likes me” as he fights to improve his standing with voters for his management of the coronavirus pandemic.

“It can only be my personality,” Trump said.

Fauci, an infectious disease expert who is part of Trump’s coronavirus task force, is one of the most trusted people in government and many Americans are listening diligently to his advice on how to protect themselves from infection. .

Trump, on the other hand, has drawn criticism over his handling of the pandemic, putting him in danger of losing the November 3 presidential election to Democrat Joe Biden.

Fauci’s topic was brought up at a press conference where Trump defended his support for the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine as a blanket against the virus. Trump said he believed the drug worked “in the early stages.”

Most public health experts say hydroxychloroquine shouldn’t be used to treat coronavirus because it could lead to heart and other problems.

The United States Food and Drug Administration last month revoked its emergency use authorization for hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19 after several studies questioned its effectiveness.

Trump has said he and others in his administration deserve applause for their handling of the virus, not just Fauci and another prominent member of the task force, Deborah Birx.

“He works with our administration and for the most part we’ve done pretty much what he and others, Dr. Birx and others, who are wonderful, have recommended. And he has that high approval rating. So why don’t I have a high approval rating and administration for the virus? We should have a very high approval rating, ”Trump said.

“So it’s odd, a man works for us, and yet they’re very popular and nobody likes me. It can only be my personality,” he said.

The recent rise in the number of deaths and infections in the United States has dampened early hopes that the country has surpassed the worst of a crisis that has decimated businesses and put millions of Americans out of work. Four southern and western US states reported one-day records of coronavirus deaths on Tuesday. The national death toll is nearly 150,000.

Fauci has been a topic of debate in the White House for months as he is quite frank in saying where he agrees and disagrees with the president.

Trump has repeatedly said that Fauci advised him not to interrupt his trip to China, the source country of the epidemic, earlier this year, when the scope of the pandemic was not yet clear and that he had not accepted the advice.

White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows publicly berated Trump’s trade adviser Peter Navarro for writing an opinion piece attacking Fauci.

(Except for the title, this story was not edited by GalacticGaming staff and is posted from a syndicated feed.)


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