Trump alleged that Biden, in his previous role as senator, was vice president shipped jobs to China.
US President Donald Trump has alleged that Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden in his previous roles as Senator and Vice President was busy shipping jobs to China, prompting the latter to fight back.
Biden said Trump would be the first president in modern American history to “leave office with fewer jobs than he started out.”
In his first public speech from the Blue Room Balcony of the White House after being released from the hospital where he was treated for a COVID-19 infection, Trump accused Biden and his campaign of taking the country on track of socialism, which he swore not to let him do.
“Democrats are a socialist program and platform – and it is really more than socialist. It is not just socialist; it is beyond socialism,” he said.
While a member of the public shouted “Communist,” Trump said, “Communist. It is more or less true ”.
Biden, who was campaigning in the city of Erie in Battlefield State of Pennsylvania, meanwhile claimed Trump was only protecting the interests of the rich and billionaires.
“The Trump presidency will be the first presidency in modern American history to step down with fewer jobs than when it started. And President Trump is leaving us with a ‘K’ recession, where the leadership continues to rise, while everyone in the middle and below sees it getting worse, ”Biden said.
“That means if America’s top 100 billionaires did pretty well, they’ve grown over $ 300 billion this year – you get the bottom half of that K-shape. The slide down. Because the fact is, President Trump can only see the world from Park Avenue. I see the world from Scranton. From Erie. And that’s what my Build Back Better program is for, ”he said.
The Democratic presidential candidate’s campaign does not allow for a large rally due to COVID-19 restrictions, with at most 20 people seated at a distance.
On the flip side, Trump’s first public event at the White House was full of excitement and energy with his black and Hispanic supporters chanting “We love you” and “Four years older.”
Trump, 74, and First Lady Melania, 50, tested positive for COVID-19 last week. The president was taken to a military hospital for treatment. After spending four days there, he returned to the White House on Monday.
His White House speech on Saturday at “Peaceful Demonstration for Law and Order” was described as an official event, but had all suspicions of an election campaign.
“We’re starting very, very big with our rallies and everything, because we can’t allow our country to become a socialist nation. We can’t let that happen,” Trump said.
“Blacks and Latin Americans reject the radical socialist left, and they embrace our pro-jobs, pro-workers, pro-police – we want law and order; we must have law and order – and pro-American agenda. ” he said. Trump alleged that the Democrats’ agenda was “well beyond socialism” and that they “had been shipping jobs to China for half a century.”
“Sleepy Joe Biden betrayed blacks and Latin Americans. If you think he can run this country, you’d be wrong … For half a century, ship your jobs to China. That’s what they We are bringing the jobs. We also billed China a lot of money, along with the tariffs. Billions and billions of dollars, “Trump added.
(This story was not edited by GalacticGaming staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)