A coronavirus vaccine made in China could be ready for sale by the end of this year.
A Chinese-made coronavirus vaccine could be ready for sale by the end of this year, said China State Assets Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC) in China.
In trials, more than 2,000 people received vaccines developed by the Wuhan Institute for Biologics and the Beijing Institute for Biologics. A vaccine could be ready for the market as early as the end of this year or early 2021, according to the May 29 post on the Chinese social media platform WeChat.
Vaccines from the Wuhan Biologics Institute and the Beijing Biologics Institute had entered phase II clinical trials. Both groups are affiliated with the state-owned pharmaceutical group Sinopharm, whose management is supervised by SASAC.
The production line of the Beijing Organic Products Institute will have an annual production capacity of 100 million
120 million doses, according to the article.
China has five vaccines against coronaviruses in human trials. No company could be contacted on Saturday evening to comment.