Joe Biden’s victory in Key Battlefield State put him above 270 electoral vote threshold
Tackling the COVID-19 pandemic, economic recovery, racial equality and climate change are the top four priorities of the Biden administration, its transition team said on Sunday, a day after Joe Biden and running mate Kamala Harris won the US election on November 3.
After a tense week of vote counting, Democratic presidential candidate Biden won the state of Pennsylvania on Saturday and took the lead in the race to become the next president of the United States.
Joe Biden’s victory in the key state of the battlefield saw him cross the threshold of 270 electoral votes, cutting all paths for his opponent.
As Vice President, Harris will make history in multiple ways, becoming the first woman – and the first woman of color – to hold the post.
“We’re not just going to rebuild what worked in the past. This is our opportunity to rebuild better than ever,” said the Biden-Harris transition team, giving details of the priorities for the next administration.
“President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Harris face a pandemic, an economic crisis, calls for racial justice and climate change. The team being assembled will address these challenges from day one,” he said. he declared.
Once sworn in, Biden and Ms Harris will provide much needed national leadership to fight the pandemic and begin our nation’s recovery, he said.
Biden and Harris would be sworn in on Jan.20. The mandate of the transition team is to put in place the infrastructure that can ensure a smooth transition of the outgoing administration and effectively manage the administration from day one.
Observing that the American people deserve an urgent, strong and professional response to the growing economic and health crisis caused by the coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic, the team said Biden believes the federal government must act quickly and aggressively. to help protect and support families, small businesses, first responders and essential caregivers to help them meet this challenge.
The Biden-Harris administration will always listen to science, ensure that public health decisions are informed by public health professionals, and promote trust, transparency, common purpose and accountability in government, a he declared.
Economic recovery is the second top priority of the Biden-Harris administration. In this time of crisis, President-elect Biden has a plan to create millions of well-paying jobs, make it easier for workers to organize unions and bargain collectively, and give working American families the tools, the choices and the freedom they need to build back better, he says.
“It starts with a real strategy to deal with the pandemic. We cannot resolve the jobs crisis until we resolve the public health crisis. Implement Biden’s comprehensive strategy to contain the pandemic and effectively reopening the economy – an approach that will protect both the health and safety of our people and stimulate economic activity – is one of the top priorities for the president-elect, ”said Transition.
“The time has come for our nation to face systemic racism. To face the growing economic inequality in our country. And to face the denial of this nation’s promise – to so many people,” said the transition listing its third priority.
As part of his commitment to uplift black and brown communities, Biden will also work to build an economy in which every American receives a fair return for their work and an equal chance to advance.
A more dynamic and powerful economy precisely because everyone will be included in the transaction. An economy where Black, Latino, Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) and Native American workers and families are finally welcomed as full participants, he said.
President-elect Biden is leading the world to face the climate emergency and lead by example power, the transition said.
“Biden knows how to stand alongside American allies, stand up to adversaries, and put himself on par with any world leader on what needs to be done. He won’t just re-engage the United States in the Paris Agreement. on climate change – it will go much further than that. It is striving to lead an effort to get every major country to increase the ambition of its national climate goals, ”he said.