Chinese government vastly expands (representative) road network
China is using road construction in Tibet to encroach on Nepalese lands and may set up border crossings in these regions in the future, according to a Nepalese government report consulted by ANI.
The report, prepared by the Investigations Department of the Nepalese Ministry of Agriculture, shows a list of 11 places, of which China has encroached on 10 places comprising about 33 hectares of Nepalese land, diverting the flow of rivers that act as a natural limit.
The Chinese government widely expands its road network in the so-called Tibet Autonomous Region (ART) “because of which some rivers and its tributaries have changed routes and are heading for Nepal. The flow of rivers gradually decreases in the territories Nepalese and if it continues to remain so for a certain time, it would cede the maximum portion of the lands of Nepal to the ART “, according to the document obtained by the states of the ANI.
A total of 10 hectares of land has been encroached on in the Humla district while Chinese construction works diverted the Bagdare Khola and Karnali rivers. Six hectares of Nepalese land have been encroached on in the Rasuwa district, as construction in Tibet has led to diversions from Sinjen, Bhurjuk and Jambu Khola.
Similarly, a total of 11 hectares of land in Nepal is already claimed by China for “fall in Tibet” with the diversion of Kharane Khola and Bhote Kosi in the district of Sindhupalchowk.
The construction of Chinese roads in Tibet has also diverted the flow of the Sumjung, Kam Khola and Arun rivers of the Sankhuwasabha district, causing encroachment on nine hectares of Nepalese land. The document warned that Nepal would lose more land if the appropriate measures were not taken in time.
“If the retreat of the land by the rivers continues, then hundreds of hectares will naturally go to the ART. It is quite possible that China will develop over a certain period a border observation post (BOP) of its armed police in these territories “, document states.
After the investigation in the 1960s and the erection of pillars to determine the border with China, Nepal took no other measures to secure its border. A total of 100 pillars were erected on the north side of the border with China. Whereas with India, the number of pillars stands at 8,553.
In recent times, the world has witnessed an escalation of China’s territorial aggression from all sides of its border.
His actions led to a violent confrontation with India near Ladakh. He had clashes with Vietnam and Malaysia in the South China Sea, put pressure on Taiwan with night exercises in the Taiwan Strait and threatened Australia with a boycott of wine, beef, barley and Chinese students.
Beijing has also introduced a new law – the Hong Kong Security Law – to increase control over the semi-autonomous city despite strong protests.
(With the exception of the title, this story was not edited by GalacticGaming staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)