We operate in a very complex and volatile environment today, said Gen Bipin Rawat.
New Delhi:
The Indian armed forces are operating in a very complex and uncertain environment and they must continue to build the capacity for peace in the region, as India’s adversaries could benefit if its military might is not strong, said Tuesday the Chief of the Defense Staff, General Bipin Rawat. .
He also said India is keen to share its military capabilities with neighboring and wider neighborhood friendly countries as well as those in need of its support.
The Chief of the Defense Staff was speaking at the opening session of the fifth annual conclave of Bharatshakti.in, a portal on defense and military issues.
“We are operating in a very complex, uncertain and very unstable environment today. There are battles big and small raging almost in every part of the world. Therefore, we all need strong armed forces if we are to defend ourselves, defend our nation. , defend the integrity of our nation and the safety and security of our people, ”said General Bipin Rawat.
“But, then are we saying that the armed forces must prepare for war? No. The armed forces must develop capabilities to bring peace to the region. If we do not have strong armed forces, the adversary will profit from us, ”he added. said.
General Bipin Rawat’s comments came amid a border standoff lasting more than six months between India and China in eastern Ladakh, which has strained their ties considerably. The two sides held a series of diplomatic and military talks to resolve the conflict. However, no concrete progress has been made to end the impasse.
In a message read during the conclave, Prime Minister Narendra Modi cited various reform initiatives deployed by the government in the defense sector to produce modern equipment and exploit new technologies as well as to instill better synergy between the armed forces .
“We move forward with the nation’s collective determination to build a modern and self-sufficient India. Our determination is reflected in an unprecedented spirit of self-confidence in the defense sector today,” Prime Minister Modi said.
The Prime Minister said that an autonomous India is a “win-win resolution” for all stakeholders, as this vision is for world peace and a resilient world economy.
“From private and public sectors to foreign partners, all would benefit from the strength of India’s dynamic strategic ecosystem,” he said.
In his speech, General Bipin Rawat also spoke of the challenges faced by the armed forces operating in harsh and harsh environments, especially in jungles, deserts and terrain ranging from 6,000 to 6,500 meters above sea level.
“Our navy operates in the Indo-Pacific, an area with the greatest concentration of white ships. It must develop technologies not only to operate on the surface but also below the surface of the ocean in an environment that is becoming of increasingly complex, ”said the Chief of the Defense Staff.
He said India’s armed forces need capabilities that no other armed force in the world may need due to the diverse challenges and environment. Therefore, General Rawat said that the kind of technology India is developing and the weapon systems that can find their place in the Indian inventory will be second to none.
“We do not hesitate to invite foreign collaborators who are able to support our industry, to hold them in the hand and to move on … We also want to share the capabilities with the other armed forces around the world, especially in the neighborhood and the extended neighborhood, ”Gen Bipin Rawat said.
“We are ready to support those who need our support, in particular countries which are also going through difficult times and which are looking for good weapons systems,” he said in the presence of defense officials from several foreign countries.
Air Force Chief of Staff Marshal RKS Bhadauria said the threat from India’s adversaries was “ deep and long-term. ”