India has one of the most comprehensive planned urbanization programs in the world (representation)
New Delhi:
To date, thirty-five lakh houses have been delivered to beneficiaries as part of the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY-Urban), while 65 lakh houses are currently under construction, Union Minister Hardeep said Thursday Singh Puri.
Mr. Puri said that about 3.65 crore of jobs would be generated in the construction of all the houses sanctioned as part of the mission and that these, about 1.65 crore of jobs would have already been generated.
The government has set a target of 1.12 crore of houses in urban areas by 2022 as part of PMAY – “Housing for All”, one of the flagship programs of the Narendra Modi government.
The Minister of the Union of Housing and Urban Affairs was addressing a webinar to mark the 5th anniversary of PMAY (U), the Smart Cities Mission (SCM) and the Atal Mission for rejuvenation and urban transformation ( AMRUT).
He said India has undertaken one of the most comprehensive planned urbanization programs in the history of the world.
According to the ministry, the houses built as part of the PMAY (U) and previous projects of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA) have served more in the fight against COVID-19.
Currently, more than 22,000 homes are used for specific purposes as COVID-19 installation units in various states and Union territories, said Mr. Puri.
Speaking of another mission – AMRUT, the minister said that the ministry has so far provided 79 domestic water tap connections and 45 sewer connections across the country.
“Seventy-six lakh conventional lampposts have been replaced by energy efficient LED lights which have saved 167 crore per year, which has reduced CO2 emissions by 13 lakh tonnes per year”, he also added. indicated.
Regarding the Smart Cities mission, he said that the Integrated Command and Control Centers (ICCCs) developed as part of the mission have helped cities in their fight against COVID-19.
Forty-seven operational ICCCs have become war rooms and played an effective role in the COVID response, said the minister.
He added that 5,151 projects worth more than 2 lakh crore rupees have been identified in 100 smart cities.
“So far, the mission has tendered around 4,700 projects worth Rs 1,666,000 crore, which represents about 81% of the total projects proposed,” said Mr. Puri.