The use of masks is compulsory in public places because India fights the coronavirus. (Representative)
As restrictions gradually relax after nearly two months of lockdown to control the spread of the coronavirus, a prescription has been issued in Madhya Pradesh to identify visiting banks and jewelry stores, while the use of masks remains mandatory in stores. public places. State police asked visitors to remove the masks for 30 seconds so that they could be photographed by video surveillance cameras.
This decision aims to strengthen security at these locations.
“It is a good decision and it will help to reduce the crime rate. If someone enters the bank with a mask, it will be difficult to identify the person,” said a customer of the bank.
On Monday, places of worship, malls and restaurants reopened in most states as part of what they called “Unlock1”, more than two months after they closed to check for the spread of the coronavirus.
In Madhya Pradesh, while stand-alone stores were already allowed to reopen last month, those in shopping centers have also resumed operations. Banks – public and private – remained open even as the government announced one of the most stringent closings in the world in March.
The use of masks is compulsory in public places as part of the centre’s directives, which also emphasize social distance among other measures. “All workers / customers / visitors will only be allowed to enter if they are using masks / face masks. Face masks / masks must be worn at all times,” said a statement issued by the Ministry of Health. Union on guidelines for shopping centers.
Previously, the government had also recommended the use of handmade face covers. “People who do not have health problems or who have breathing difficulties can use the handmade reusable face cover, especially when they leave their house. This will help protect the community as a whole”, indicates a press release.
Madhya Pradesh is the seventh most affected country in the country by the pandemic. The state has recorded nearly 10,000 cases to date, more than 400 patients have died.